We’re now off for perhaps the toughest day so far. At least the circumstances promise something out of the ordinary. 1. We’re approaching the great continental divide. This means steep grades…
Latest pointless posts
Luxury is a funny thing. Or rather how different people interpret the word. For some, luxury means having an expensive bag. For me, luxury is staying on a small patch of…
Experience is a funny thing. We think we know things, because we’ve encountered something similar some time earlier on. But all too often I’m being surprised on this bike trips how…
Today was a tough day. Really tough. The heavy headwinds were really taking their toll on us. And not only us. We also bumped into Manfred on one of our short…
Exactly one year ago I posted this photo on Facebook saying that I had started planning our next trip. And now I’m sitting in front of the Desert Inn motel in…
Ever wondered how it feels to be on a bike trip? Well, it’s like this. You sit by the road, while cars pass you by at break neck speed, eating some…